Tim Minchin, Missy Higgins
Carry You is a song performed by Australian singer-songwriter Missy Higgins and written by Tim Minchin. The song was recorded and used in the credits of the final episode of the Australian drama, Upright.
Speaking about the song, Minchin said, “I’ve adored Missy’s voice for so long, the fact that she agreed to sing this song, which means so much to me, is an incredible thrill.” Higgins said, “I hadn’t seen Upright before Tim asked me if I wanted to record a song for it, but I was a big fan of Tim’s work, so I knew it would be good. When he played ‘Carry You’ on the piano, I instantly felt how beautiful and universal it was and how I might make it my own. When I sang it in the studio, I felt the ache of regret and the longing for connection through the lyrics, which is something any of us can relate to, I think.”
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Submitted By
Tim Willings