The entrance to the State Park where we held our Rally. Photo taken before sunrise. A very nice park. It is on beautiful Lake Blackshear just east of Cordelle, Georgia. Thanks to our Chapter Leaders, Pat and Vic for choosing this location.
On the Museum grounds at the park was a real B29, a work horse of WWII. They are rare, not many left.

Dixie Leisure Travelers Spring Rally at Georgia Veterans Memorial State Park near Cordelle, GA. There were 13 Leisure Vans from 1996 Wide Body to the new 2017 Serenity and everything in between.
The group photo was taken in front of the new 2017 Serenity thanks to Tom and Karen Monkus. There were numerous areas of interest nearby which some of the group took advantage of. (Plains, Georgia – home of President Carter, Georgia Veterans Museum there at the Park, large Pecan farms, Andersonville Civil War Prison and others).

Checking out the menu for lunch at everyone’s favorite eating place, Cracker Barrel, located in Cordelle, Georgia.
We didn’t bargain for all the rain we received nor the tornado warnings we were notified of on several occasions. Fortunately the tornado threat passed without incident at the park. We all just hunkered down in our LTV’s, our home away from home. But, sometimes weather happens and I guess this was our time. Some of us thought we were going to grow web feet before it was over with. Rain gear was the uniform of the day.
Tall tales being told about great trips and places. Some of them may even be true.
Randy Corley, our resident Story Teller, provided us entertainment one evening. His story was about snakes and alligators, wow, we didn’t know where that story was headed. Thanks Randy.
We were fortunate to have Donna Daub from the factory join us and gave us a tour of the new 2017 Leisure Wonder, answer questions and give us factory updates.

Located across the highway from the park, where we had a great dinner. One of their specialties is catfish, yum, yum. Recommended.

Cozy and awaiting delivery of a scrumptious meal. It was reported that the Peanut Butter Pie was worthy of ordering it again.
A good time was had by all. Now for a summer of travel and looking forward to our fall rally so we can swap tales of our travels. Isn’t Leisurely travel wonderful? You get to rub elbows with such wonderful experienced LTV travelers.
Thank you Triple E, for your support!