
Evergreen Leisures 2020 Fall Rally in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Evergreen Leisures
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Through the hazy smoke, we declared that we were not going to allow some stinkin’ smoke or crazy pandemic to keep us from the annual Evergreen Leisures rally. Armed with our trusty masks, we gathered on the first evening. Careful planning was not going to stop a bit of spontaneity, which was masterfully accomplished with Glynis’s frequent and clear correspondence to our group.

One of my favorite parts of a LTV rally is the vast knowledge of fellow LTV enthusiasts, who are eager to share their trials and tribulations. Because, let’s face it, no matter what RV you own, “stuff” happens. Most RVers have a story or two about their dreaded black tank and the innumerable ways something can go wrong.

Speaking of poop, despite Blackwell Island’s compact design, with 172 spots and jam-packed facilities, nature found us. Our illustrious leader, Tim, saw an impressive amount of moose poop alongside of his RV. It seems a mother and her two calves were curious about the gorgeous LTVs lined up like contestants in a beauty pageant, and simply had to check us out. We, of course, returned the favor, and several of the group were able to marvel in this glorious sight. 

On Saturday afternoon, eager participants gave their rapt attention to Towney Sausville (from the Southwest LTV Roadrunners Travelers Club) as he gave an impressive Tech Talk (not to be confused with a Ted Talk, but certainly as enlightening). We learned about:

• Electrical systems
• Excessive wind and door struts
• Blue Driver diagnostic tool
• Adjusting the water pump
• Propane regulators
• Care and feeding of the mechanical stairs
• Extra parts and tools to carry
• And so much more…

So what parts and tools should we carry? Inquiring minds are dying to know. Not wanting to haul around the whole darned garage in our limited storage, we were happy to learn that the usual suspects include a propane regulator, door struts, and star head socket set. Alternatively, a low-tech option to carrying extra door struts is attaching a rope to your door – the wind is not our friend.

LTVers are also notorious for making modifications or investing in various upgrades. This year we learned about everything from butt-kicking solar power with massive lithium batteries, to a sewing room. Yup, not kidding – many of us had to tour a powered trailer named Gypsy Wife, with a seriously epic sewing room. We love to see and hear about all the major and minor improvements people make to their LTVs.

These rallies give LTVers the chance to not only commiserate about what might have broken or gone wrong on our journeys, but, more importantly, to celebrate our successes and the ways we’ve made repairs or improvements all on our own. Ingenuity flows like amber liquid from a newly tapped keg. Or, if one prefers, a lovely bottle of wine.

In addition to all the learning opportunities, there was food, food, and more food. We all shared finger foods on Friday night, enough to fill our empty bellies. Then, on Saturday, Leisure Travel Vans sponsored our delicious pizza party. To top off the evening, raffles blessed several members with various LTV products, a handmade quilt, and beautiful wood cutting boards.

There is no doubt in my mind that we will return again, because it seems that every year something special happens at these rallies. I can’t wait for next year to find out what exciting new things will occur. Probably better than any mystery I could write, and I’m known for my twists and turns!

Evergreen Leisures

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