
FMCA LTVers In Redmond, Oregon

LTV International FMCA Chapter
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Prior to the FMCA International Convention, 21 LTV coaches gathered at the Deschutes County Fair and Expo Center on August 11-13, 2024. We were given the Three Sisters, volcanic peaks in the Cascade Range.

On Sunday, arrival day, we started with an informal meet and greet in the High Desert Hangout, one of the air-conditioned facilities in the afternoon. That evening, we invited FMCA International Area VP Rodger Donnelly and his wife, Diana, our FMCA contact, to a box dinner of fried chicken, coleslaw, a biscuit, and cookies the first evening. Shirley Johnson led a brief Convention orientation. Then, every coach drew numbers to select “swag” from LTV and continued to relax and visit.

Monday morning, Mike and Karen Schwartz served homemade breakfast burritos. Then Tai Taitano moderated “All Things LTV and Modification Dreaming” to an enthusiastic group. Many owners inspected other coach changes. We returned to the High Desert Hangout for shade and AC that afternoon. Annette and Bob Goodson moderated “What We Really Use Now-Kitchen Small Appliances and Apps.” Lots of good information was exchanged. That evening, we had Subway deliver several varieties of subs, chips, Crock Pot baked beans, and cookies. FMCA had a live band at the outdoor tent within feet of our “campsite, ” providing the evening entertainment.

Tuesday morning was a sleep-in day so that we would be rested and ready for the Convention kick-off in the afternoon. First timer’s welcome, a chapter fair, and a downtown Redmond party with transportation, food trucks, and a live band finished the day.

Wednesday through Saturday night was packed with live entertainment, seminars, trade show exhibits, contests, free donuts, and an ice cream social! Parked as a group next to the First Interstate Bank Center Arena, we used the golf cart provided by LTV to assist us in getting to the far side of the event center during the day.

Written by: Randy Johnson

LTV International FMCA Chapter

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