In September (19th – 22nd) the Ontario Sunrisers group held our Fall Rally at the North Shore RV Park in Prince Edward County near Carrying Place Ontario. We had 10 RV’s with 19 people attending.
On the Tuesday we arrived we had a potluck appetizer get together at our campsites with absolutely beautiful weather for late September.

We were all entertained by the military planes from CFB Trenton that were doing maneuvers overhead.
Later that night we enjoyed each others company around the campfire.
On the Wednesday some people went to visit the local wineries the area is known for, while others explored the quaint towns in Prince Edward County and the local museums.
That evening we had a catered meal in the RV Park Recreation Hall by a local restaurant called The Mason Jar. We had a phenomenal meal with roast beef, mashed potatoes, veggies, and salads, and finished off with some amazing pies.
On Thursday people again toured in the area including some Mountain Bike riding on the local trails. That evening we had a delicious potluck dinner where everyone contributed dishes followed again by a group fireside chat and storytelling about our travels.
It was time to leave on Friday morning so we had our daily coffee/tea, oranges and cakes and took some group photos before saying goodbye to our fellow LTV owners. We had several new owners attend this rally and it was the first one I had organized as the new chapter head and everyone seemed to really enjoy the rally. I’ve started the planning now for the Spring rally.