In late January, 2020, the LTV Southwest Roadrunners gathered at the Pechanga RV Resort for the third time for our Winter Rally and Annual Business Meeting. A parade of LTVs started arriving on Sunday afternoon, January 26, and by 5:00, 46 coaches had shown up and parked.
When it was time for the Meet and Greet Happy Hour, everyone gathered at our “Headquarters” – site E12 – with chairs, hors d’oeuvres, and libations to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. It was a chilly, foggy evening. Was this a portent of the days to come? Memories went back to last year when it poured for three days!

Monday, Day 1
LTVs continued to arrive and check in. Three more coaches had arrived by mid afternoon. I was very surprised … there were multiple Unity, Serenity, and Free Spirit models and a Libero, but no Wonder models!
The fog from the day before had cleared off, and California sunshine ruled the day. This was a day to visit and relax. Some people went golfing at the local course. Others went on a leisurely bike ride in the nearby countryside, through vineyards and horse farms. And then, a Wonder arrived! Wonderful!
In the afternoon, Diana Brannon led one of her signature Tours of Coaches, where people who are interested in seeing new models, upgrades, and good ideas for personalizations and décor take a walk-through tour of our LTVs. 17 people volunteered their coaches. Among those open for show were six different models of new 2020 LTVs. Ideas that people collected were far reaching: bicycle storage and transport, shower modifications, innovative tables, in-coach storage, electronics, and so much more. This is always a very popular activity at the rallies.

Tuesday, Day 2
Tuesday was a day of business. In the morning, Towney Sausville (Club Leader) and Leonard Driver (Technical Advisor) led Tech Talk, a question-and-answer session that covers everything LTV! The audience was over 80 people! It’s a good thing we booked a larger meeting room! The topics were far-reaching, covering things like adding more solar, AGM and lithium batteries, electrical components, refrigerators, black water tank issues, macerators, programming TVs, and Wingard receivers. Mercedes questions included the use of DEF, tire rotation, and the use of biodiesel. Many of the questions were answered by owners in the audience. It was a very productive 2 ½ hours!
The Annual Business Meeting was held in the afternoon, again to a full house. The minutes from the 2019 meeting were approved and the Club Leaders reported on the status of the Club. There were changes in the LTV Club Guidelines that will affect the running of the Club, the most significant being how LTV will reimburse expenses, and that all Club members be registered with MyLTV. Diana Brannon (Secretary/Treasurer) discussed the finances and expenses of the Club. Wendy Uncles (Communications) talked about how we will be keeping in touch with the membership about upcoming events using sources and platforms like MyLTV, e-mail, and the Southwest Roadrunners Facebook page. Jim Van Namee (Rally Coordinator) described our next rally in Casa Grande, Arizona. Other planned future rallies include a return to Napa in early June, Mammoth and area in late summer, and Pismo Beach in October.
After an unanimous vote for the Club Officers, Towney announced that Oasis Las Vegas RV Park will be the venue for the next Winter Rally and Annual Meeting of the LTV Southwest Roadrunners, to be held from January 31 to February 4, 2021.
Everyone adjourned to prepare for the Evening Potluck Supper. We gathered at the Pavilion/Picnic Area in the RV Park and set up a veritable feast. People sat around the fire pit, in the comfy seats, and at the picnic tables and enjoyed the evening.

Wednesday, Day 3
Wednesday was another day to relax. Some people went to play more golf, while others went for a bike ride or to explore Temecula and the area. Still others went on a tour of four of the local wineries. The day ended with a Farewell Happy Hour back at E12.
On Thursday morning, just about everyone headed out. In total there were 52 Roadrunner coaches at the rally, two guest coaches (LTVs that just happened to be at the campground and were welcome to join us), and two members who were waiting for their brand new LTVs to be delivered. There were one Libero, two Free Spirit, two Wonder, six Serenity, and 41 Unity LTVs gathered together. It was a glorious sight, and a good rally!