
Tag: Travelers Rest RV & Golf Resort

  • Travelers Club Post

    Plan and They Will Come

    When the idea for a spring Flamingles Rally was first suggested last winter, nobody knew how many RVer’s would plan to attend. As new members, we (Eddie and Linda Quinn) spend the winter at Travelers Rest RV & Golf Resort in Dade City, and suggested it as a possible location. We booked it for April 1 – 4, and crossed our fingers that we would have the requisite six rigs to be eligible for the rally rate. Our worry was for naught, because we hosted seventeen rigs and thirty-five Flamingles members at a very successful rally.

    Our rigs were parked on Golf View area at Travelers Rest (affectionately known as TR), an area designated for short-term visitors and rallies. Registration and Happy Hour took place in the Golf View Pavilion, a sheltered area next to the sites. Pat and Art Dubuc, chapter leaders, cooked pizza in the kitchen in Busch Hall, and everyone enjoyed a dinner of pizza, with salads supplied by attendees. At dinner we all introduced ourselves, our rigs and where we live in Florida — and for some where in the U.S.we spend our summers.

    Breakfast the next morning was a delicious egg casserole, again prepared by Pat & Art — a perfect start to a soggy day. Around 11 a.m. the rain started, and it did not let up until late afternoon. In spite of the rain, we actually had a very enjoyable day. We were assigned an indoor facility and spent much of the day chatting and playing games.