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Midwest LTVers Spring Rally

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Midwest LTVers


Starved Rock State Park
2668 E. 875th Road
Oglesby, IL 61348 United States
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Are you ready to dust off your rigs and get on the road? ME TOO! We will be having the Midwest LTVers Spring Rally at Starved Rock State Park in Utica Illinois.

Here is the information:
We will arrive on Thursday, June 7th and leave Sunday, June 10th. That is a total of 3 nights. The fee is $25 per night.

Here is a link for the registering Do make sure it says Starved Rock State Park. I tested my link…it should be good. Fill in the information on the left-hand side…camping, RV sites etc…It is through Reserve America so you might be familiar with this site.

We are at site #125 East. Pay attention to the lot length. Site #119 is only for 15 feet long vehicles. The rest around that area seem to all work with our rigs. Once you have gotten your site, PLEASE make sure you email me that you will be coming and what site you are at. This will allow me to know who is coming (for food purposes) and where everyone is. I will also get a map out to everyone attending so you have a copy too.

Here is information on the park…they have 18 canyons and waterfalls…hopefully we will get out there earlier enough to be able to see them. They say the Spring is the best time to see the waterfalls.

There are restaurants, souvenir store that also have walking sticks and rain gear (but I am ordering NO RAIN lol) , Historic Trolly Tours, birdwatching, they have eagles around (that is on my list to see), Hiking guided tours, entertainment, scenic boat rides, and in the neighboring towns there is antique shops, restaurants, and wineries.

There is a band at the lodge on the outdoor deck that you can purchase drinks there. There is also no bikes allowed on the trails because they are bumpy and uneven.

I hope you can join us in June!