Gardens, Little White House, and Baths
"It was good to get back to something close to normal, with everyone (mostly?) vaccinated. The Southern Leisure Travelers had 17 coaches with 18 couples when...Read More
Southern Leisure Travelers is a chapter in our Leisure Travelers Club. Leisure Travel Vans owners have developed regional Leisure Travelers Club chapters. Each chapter has a travelers club head that coordinates all of the area events. The region is Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. This chapter has a Spring and Fall Rally and other LTV events for interested Leisure owners.
Looking for Club Leader Contact Us to Apply
"It was good to get back to something close to normal, with everyone (mostly?) vaccinated. The Southern Leisure Travelers had 17 coaches with 18 couples when...Read More
It has been one entire year since the Southern Leisure Travelers have been able to gather for a rally – one whole year. We started planning...Read More
It’s October and the weather has been very hot for this time of year, so the prospect of heading into the mountains of north Georgia for...Read More