Each year, Leisure Travel Vans holds the Annual Fall Rally in Winkler, Manitoba, Canada. This being my first first LTV Rally, my first visit to the LTV factory, and my first LTV, I was attempting to practice gratitude for all three!
Day 1
My first stop on my way to Winkler was at the “US Headquarters” of Triple E in Walhalla, North Dakota. About an hour or so later, as I pulled into Winkler, I decided to look at the Triple E factory and found a spot to park where I could take another “selfie” of my Unity.
Eventually, I found Winkler Bible Camp, where the Rally would be held, and was directed to my spot, where I hooked up and settled in – the Equalizer System’s EQ Smart-Level really is convenient! From there, it was on to the feeding frenzy… I got in line for some delicious ice cream. There were three flavors to choose from and I heard not one complaint aside from maybe the length of the lines, which were well worth it. I even saw Dean, in his real-life-self, enjoying an ice cream.

After the ice cream we went in and experienced our first of many great meals. Everyone in attendance was recognized on the TV monitor, and it just happened to have my name up when I shot a photo!
Next up was our introductory presentation and another glimpse at the underlying values and company structure at LTV – values that result in the great owners’ experience for what I have come to believe is one of the very finest recreational vehicles. They are built with love!

Day 2
The following day we began the seminars and tours, which were all quite informative and entertaining. The audience seemed interested and folks with expertise were available to answer questions.

Following the presentations and tours was more food, more fellowship, more stories and finally, some evening entertainment and fun at the beach, featuring a really talented singer and guitar player.

Day 3
The Friday morning waffle breakfast is a Rally tradition, and most importantly, one that is put on by the LTV staff. Words can not describe the co-operation, teamwork, preparation, but most of all, the hilarity. I always thought an “expert” was someone from out of town who showed slides… but maybe these folks are waffle experts!
One of the rally participants even cooked up some great bacon, and the results were as good as it looks!

Oh, yes, there was the group photo during the Rally, and it was quite interesting to see how Canucks herd cats…

While most everyone enjoyed the tours, seminars, and other events of the Rally, the final night was the frosting on the cake. A group of fabulous dancers entertained during dinner, but, the final act, Those Guys, was something to behold. When they did their encore, without amplification, on the floor with the audience, that was when the real magnificence of their voices became apparent. Wow!

While a huge expression of gratitude goes to the LTV staff for putting on this excellent Rally, I would not want to forget saying thank you to the great folks at Winkler Bible Camp who served us during our meals – THANK YOU!!
So, where is the Factory Tour, you might ask… it is in a different blog post, coming soon! My sincere thanks to everyone who gave us such a very nice experience up in Winkler.
