Before we moved into an RV, I had a few concerns about where everything was going to go. I’m a pretty organized person and like to keep things neat and put away. I wondered how other people organized their RVs (where did they put their dog food containers?!), and more specifically, how did other people organize their Leisure Travel Vans?
Now that we’ve been living in our LTV for some time, here’s a list of simple modifications we’ve made in order to stay organized in our Leisure Travel Van.
Blackout curtains
We installed blackout curtains to separate the cab area from the rest of the RV using Command hooks and a small rod. This helps blocks out cold air in the winter and heat in the summer!
Dish soap dispenser
We installed a dish soap dispenser at the kitchen sink to avoid the need for a bottle on the counter.

New kitchen faucet
We switched out the faucet that came with our LTV for one that we can better use to rinse out the sink.
Kitchen space-savers
We found a hook that we could screw under the kitchen cabinet to hang bananas, and we also added a paper towel holder under the kitchen cabinet. To hang dish towels for drying, we installed a towel holder that is held in place with Command strips.
Recessed Power Strip
We installed a recessed power outlet under the dinette.

We placed a small bookshelf in the small space behind the driver seat, giving us more storage and organization options.
Command picture hangers and hooks
We used Command picture hangers to hang a few pictures and decorations on the walls, and added Command hooks to hang our hats and jackets.
Ikea organizers
At Ikea, we found organizers that hang on the wall to keep our toiletry items neatly put away.

Check out our video below for more details – like where we put the dog food container! For more information and links to specific items we’ve installed, check out Gear We Use.