Editor’s Note: Brandon & Janet Hensley are members of LTV’s sponsored content team, The Leisure Explorers. Do you own a Leisure Travel Van and enjoy writing? Learn more about joining the team.
Our Journey to LTV Ownership
When Janet and I decided to jump into the RV lifestyle (“jump” isn’t quite the right word, as we researched for over 3 years), we had come to the conclusion that we would be seeing America in a 45-foot Class A behemoth.
Let’s rewind a bit and go back to the beginning. Traveling has always been a passion of ours, and we enjoy nothing more than seeing places near and far. However, we have always traveled by air (both of us are AAdvantage Million Milers) and driving an RV around the US had never even crossed our minds.
But then I saw a YouTube video. It was Keep Your Daydream, a very successful YouTube channel about a family selling their house, buying a travel trailer, packing up their kids, and setting off to explore the USA.
I was intrigued, so I subscribed to their channel. By doing so, YouTube’s algorithm decided to serve up more RV videos. And more, and more, and more.
Suddenly, I found myself watching hours of not just travel channels, but RV tours, reviews, and videos about everything from gadgets to tow vehicles.
I’m not sure at what point I went from intrigued to convinced, but it happened and so we set out researching which type of RV we were going to purchase.

Towable or Motorhome?
Our first thought was a fifth wheel, as it’s probably the easiest and most economical decision to make. Just buy a trailer that isn’t terribly expensive and enjoy a nice big Ford Super Duty that holds its value incredibly well and can be used as a daily driver if you choose. But towing a giant trailer has plenty of cons to go along with the pros, so what about a motorhome?
At this point, YouTube began putting Class A videos into my suggested content list. Giant motor coaches that are beautiful, powerful, and have every amenity imaginable, and are able to roll down the highway at a moment’s notice. All of a sudden we started leaning away from a fifth wheel and into the 40-plus-foot Class A mindset.
Watching videos is great, but I wanted to experience these for myself. We have a major dealer that specializes in luxury coaches just a few miles down the road from us, so I began touring them in person rather than just living vicariously through YouTube.
As I began test driving the different brands, I really enjoyed the thought of barreling down the road in something the size of a greyhound bus. It’s easy to fall in love with the thought of having the equivalent of a luxury hotel suite that you are able to pack up and go anywhere the wind blows.
But then I discovered another way to RV. If you are caught in the RV YouTube vortex, boondocking comes up quite often.
“Well, that looks like a blast!” I told Janet – getting away from the crowded RV parks and resorts and actually enjoying nature in its rawest form.

Well, you can’t exactly meander down a mountain dirt road in a luxury Class A easily, so the thought process began to change back to a towable.
But then it happened. I turned on YouTube and a jovial guy in a golf shirt named Dean appeared with a beautiful, modern, and luxurious small motorhome that was able to go just about anywhere. Hmmm, I thought, that’s kind of interesting. So I kept watching, and by the time he got to the flexibility of the FX, with it’s all-in-one sofa, dining table, and bed area, my mindset was changing.
I was absolutely riveted. Every little detail had been thought out to maximize room while maintaining comfort. That’s when I knew I was going to purchase a Leisure Travel Van.
I wanted to do my due diligence and so began researching all “Class B+” brands. Nothing came close to the LTV. Even on video I could tell there was a difference, not just in fit and finish, but with the company’s mindset of creating a lifestyle brand that was different from other RV manufacturers.
I’m a sucker for great marketing and design and I could tell that Triple E was on another level with everything they did in regards to what the other RV brands were doing. I was convinced that if they put this much effort into their branding and customer relationships, then the product must be on par.

That was confirmed the moment I first stepped inside an LTV. I was fortunate enough to tour several floor plans and our desired model changed about four times from what we thought we would choose.
At first it was going to be a Unity TB, then the big bathroom in the MB swooned us, and the Wonder FB had its appeal. But ultimately, the very first floor plan I had seen on the LTV walkthrough video won out. The Leisure Travel Van Unity FX was going to be our RV.
Fast forward to today and our 2020 Unity FX is often the topic of conversation when we stop for fuel or pull into a campground. Even the Class A people want a tour of our LTV, and are amazed at how much room and luxury comes in this small package.
We’ve had a blast these first few months making the LTV our own – everything from adding all of the RV essentials needed, to some third-party upgrades, to picking out the perfect camping chairs to enjoy sitting under the stars.
Now the dream of spending time unhooked from the world has come true. Whether it be BLM land, a Harvest Host, or a state or national park, we can navigate our Leisure Travel Van anywhere we desire.