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Heartland LTV’ers 2024 Fall Rally


September 17
September 20
Event Category:


Heartland LTV’ers


COE Prairie Flower Recreation Area
Saylorville Lake Administration Office
Johnston, IA 50131-1941 United States
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The Heartland LTVer’s Fall Rally will be held at the COE Prairie Flower Recreation Area, Saylorville Lake, Polk City, Iowa, September 17 – 20, 2024.

Prairie Flower Recreation Area has multiple group camping pods of various sizes (see map below). We need to know how many are planning to attend to best accommodate our group. The earliest we can make our reservation is March 7, so ensuring you have your reservation with us by then will ensure that we can secure the best camping arrangement for our group size.

We plan to use group site G159 with 14 hookups for the primary group area and extend to the various other loops depending on the number of registrants. No matter the loop you’re assigned, the COE Ranger assured us it would be easy with mowed walkways. The camping pods will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis using your online registration date/time stamp information.

Each camping site has 30 amps of electricity, and newly updated potable water and dump stations are near the entrance/exit. You will want to top off your water when you arrive. Each camp group area also has a water spigot for your convenience during your stay.

The location and timing of this Rally will work well for those traveling to attend the Midwest LTV Club Fall Festival Rally at Silver Lake, Minnesota, which begins on September 23.

The Neal Smith Trail runs along the Des Moines River through the Prairie Flower Camping area, a paved 24-mile biking/hiking trail from Des Moines to Big Creek State Park. Other amenities include a visitor center, fishing, boating, volleyball court, and a disc golf course.

The cost for the three nights will be $24/night for a total of $72. A $10 rally fee will be collected when you check in for the rally.

To secure your spot for the rally, please complete this online registration form. Your payment of $72 may be sent via Zelle to Kenneth Johnson at [email protected] or by check to Kenneth Johnson, 60350 Jennifer Lane, California, MO 65018.

We understand that life sometimes gets in the way of our plans, so we will provide refunds only if we can find someone to fill your spot. We get no refunds for any individual spot not filled within the group area. We must pay the entire amount for the group campsite at registration. That is why we must know by March 7 if you plan to attend so we can book the correct number of sites within the group. Your understanding of this matter is greatly appreciated.

We hope to see you at the 2024 Heartland LTVer’s Fall Rally! If you have questions, please feel free to contact us.

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Event #261