Oh, My! What Big Teeth You Have.
"There was something gutturally wild about knowing that I was just feet away from these prehistoric-looking creatures, some larger and longer than I was. There are...Read More
"There was something gutturally wild about knowing that I was just feet away from these prehistoric-looking creatures, some larger and longer than I was. There are...Read More
"Whether you cross the Mackinac Bridge, come in from The Soo, Ontario, or even cross through Wisconsin or Minnesoooda, the Upper Peninsula is unique. Some Yoopers,...Read More
"In Part I, we left our home near the US-Mexico border in southern Arizona to begin our Alaska adventure, setting off in mid-May, 2018. Now it's...Read More
"Some of you out there are really living the RV dream. Freedom. You pack up your RV, head out on the road, and drive where that...Read More
"Hi, everybody. My name is Shorty, the FoosMobile. Well, my real name is Leisure Travel Vans Unity Rear Lounge, but that’s a mouthful, so my new...Read More
"Baltimore, Maryland, has become a regular stop on our RV trips, since our youngest daughter and her family are there temporarily while her husband finishes his...Read More
Experience the difference behind the build of every Leisure Travel Van by watching our complete factory tour from Winkler, Manitoba. You’ll see a breakdown of the...Keep Reading
"As an LTV Explorer, I've received numerous private messages from fellow Leisure Travel Vans enthusiasts and travel lovers who were interested in my thoughts on our...Read More
"While driving south on our snowbird adventure last winter, we decided to head to the coast of South Carolina, since we had never been there before,...Read More
"Bentley, our 2018 LTV Unity MB, a handsome and spacious Leisure Lounge Plus, was ready. After multiple short jaunts to Carolina LTVers rallies, we were ready...Read More
"Receiving an invitation for dinner is a most delicious proposition, isn’t it? And a meal is always better when someone else makes it, right? But hold...Read More
"In Part I of this series, I covered Essential Accessories for Your Cycling Enjoyment. In this edition, I will cover accessories that many may consider optional,...Read More
"When we were shopping for RVs, one of the big questions we encountered right away was about towing a car. The big rigs all towed a...Read More
Every member of the LTV community has their own unique story of how RVing has enriched, broadened, or sometimes even changed their life, and we’d love to hear yours. Share a bit of your story for a chance to have it featured in our #MyLTVStory campaign.